Friday 7 December 2012

Day 2 continued....

Thursday was a self guided tour by our very own Wat expert, Mary-Jo.
Prasat Kravan, Srah Srang, Banteay Kdei and Pre Rup are some of the smaller Wats in the area around Angkor Wat. The Tuk Tuk took us there and wold wait while we toured. At our first stop we were surrounded and swarmed by the locals trying to sell their wares. Kids trying to sell post cards and bangles saying, "one dollar, one dollar". There was a lot of big pressure sales.
In several of the Wats the trees have over grown the structures. In some cases they help support the walls and in others they are destroying them. The trees doing harm will be cut down. The others will remain as support.

1 comment:

  1. What's a Wat? What the Tuk Tuk are you talking about? Ohh, I think we get it. Very beautiful pictures. Thanks again for taking us along. TT and ST
