Wednesday 26 December 2012

Boxing Day

Today is David's birthday and our final day on the island. One last trip to town for a look around and some last minute banking. David suddenly piped up, "are we ready for an adventure?", pointing towards a small alley across the road. We wandered down the path passing by many dwellings. Most were basic small wooden houses and several were located on the banks of the very polluted and garbage ridden canal. The canal was laden with wooden supply and fishing boats. Towards the end of the path we came across a group of about 30 men squatted on their haunches in a circle. As we got closer we noticed two men in the middle, also squatting, but each with a rooster in front of them. There were lines drawn in the sand, similar to the lines we, as kids, drew for hopscotch. However these were clearly markings dividing the soon to be combatants into their designated corners. The "Cocks" were taped up like feathered mixed martial artists, legs wrapped and in place of gloves a menacing looking curved wire spike! Yikes! After a lot of shouting by the men in the circle, suddenly the guys in the middle picked up their birds and departed. We guessed perhaps their wasn't enough betting or stake money to make it worthwhile for the birds owners. After all one of the prize birds would not survive the match.
The afternoon was spent lazing around the beach as well as packing and preparing for tomorrow's trip. MJ & D are going to Sihanoukville, Cambodia via boat and bus while Marie and I are flying to Ho Chi Minh city. Sadly we must part ways.
For the birthday boys dinner we went to a wonderful Catalan inspired restaurant called Itaca (Ithaca, a greek island, as written in the Catalan language) where we sampled a variety of Tapas; octopus, shrimp, meatballs, croquettes and spiced potatoes accompanied by very tasty martini's. Dessert was a wonderful chocolate coulant (fondant) with cappuccinos and espresso. Presentation of each dish was fabulous!

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